
We Buy Diamonds

Gold & Finance’s highly trained staff are committed to giving you the best price possible for any diamonds set in jewellery or unset diamonds you no longer need ensuring a fair price and same day payment or immediate cash.

Gold & Finance is your trusted diamond and diamond jewellery buyer in South Africa we buy diamonds of all shapes and sizes. We will assess your stone based on the diamond’s 4C’s, which are Cut, Carat, Clarity and Colour.

Should your diamonds be in jewellery or a setting, our qualified and highly trained appraisers can establish the cut, carat, clarity and colour without taking the stones out of the setting.  Your diamonds need not be certified as we are able to evaluate them.

Gold & Finance will give you a no obligation, free of charge, assessment for your diamonds. We will make you an offer in a friendly, discreet and secure environment of style, elegance and professionalism.

Should you require more information relating to the selling of your diamonds, please contact one of our branches countrywide.

The 1867 discovery of diamonds in the Cape Colony in South Africa radically modified the world’s supply of diamonds, as well as the world’s perception of them.  Annual world diamond production increased more than tenfold in the following 10 years.  A once extremely rare material became accessible to Western society with its growing wealth.  South Africa still maintains its position as a major diamond producer.

How did the CARAT system start?

The name comes from the seeds of the Mediterranean Carob tree.  The seeds were originally used as the standard for weighing precious stones.  Early gem traders used these, uniform, small seeds as counterweights to balance their scales.  The carat gram weight is now the same everywhere in the world.

We Know our Diamonds

Diamonds are renowned for their ability to transmit light as well as the intensity of their sparkle.  A diamond’s cut grade relates to how well the diamond’s facets interact with light.

Precise artistry and workmanship is required to fashion a stone to ensure its proportions, symmetry and polish deliver the magnificent return of light only possible in a diamond.

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